3 Ways To Support A Stronger Immune System
We are all acutely aware of the current situation unfolding regarding COVID-19. Currently, we are open and happy to see anyone looking to relax or recoup from their daily activities. We hope some of these tips on how to support your immune system will not only help during the coming weeks but also in the long term as tools to live as healthy as possible.
With that in mind, we wanted to share some ways we can help you support your immune system.
1. Two common recommendations to help boost your immune system is to decrease stress and get more sleep. With everything that’s happening and the continuous news stream, it can be tough to do that on your own. That’s where NuCalm comes in. NuCalm forces you to relax, it is impossible to be stressed when using it, AND as if that wasn’t good enough it also gets your body into a state of rest and digest. In that state 30 minutes of rest = about 4 hours of sleep!
Forced time out from being stressed and increased sleep all in one session.
NuCalm is a multifaceted system so you lay back, put on a sleep mask, a headset that plays specific frequencies via a soothing soundtrack and it uses an electromagnetic sticker that communicates with your body to elicit a feeling of relaxation.
2. Regular Infrared Sauna use is known to help support your immune system. One of the key ways this happens is that when your body temperature rises in the sauna, it is similar to when you have a fever, therefore triggering an immune response. It will increase white blood cell & t-cell production to ward off the virus. This process allows for you to have a stronger immune system. For even more ways Saunas help with your immune system check out this article.
The Sunlighten Sauna we have at The Recovery Spa raises your body temperature by as much as 3 degrees. So it’s a great way to relax, and also help your body’s immune system. Our sauna does also hold 2 people, so if you are looking for something to do with a friend or loved one it’s a great option.
Our policy has always been that you can cancel at any time, so if you do book in for a session to help support your immune system but find in the meantime you are not feeling well please cancel your session with us and know we can rebook you when you're feeling better.
3. The other huge part of having a great immune system is the food we consume. A great product that helps boost your immune system is called F2C Pharma-Greens. Unlike other green drinks, this one doesn’t taste disgusting. And of course, it has all the amazing benefits that green drinks contain including antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, co-factors, vitamins, scarce nutrients, adaptogens, trace elements, minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics! That is one full-spectrum green drink. We do carry this product at the Spa currently we have Strawberry-Kiwi, Green Apple & Lemon Lime.
You may not know this about us (Josh & Lindsay) but we used to work on Cruise Ships and have been on many cruises where we have had cases of NoroVirus and strict sanitization requirements came into effect. Especially for Lindsay who was in charge of youth and teen activities onboard, so we are well aware of the sanitization procedures with these kinds of viruses and CDC requirements. Our goal in opening this space was to help people live a better life, and we will stay open in order to help with that. We will continue to monitor the situation and take action accordingly based on how things progress.
If you do have any questions about anything give us a call 250-258-9496 or email hello@therecoveryspa.ca.