Booking With Us
Book with us in Kelowna:
There are three different ways to book a session, you can call us (250) 258-9496, email us or you can book online.
To book online for a single session click here, then you will see our 5 services. Select the one you wish to book and it will take you to the session page where you can select a time and then add the session to your cart. The Book Time button will display just above add to cart.
Book with us in Calgary:
There are a few ways you can book with us in Calgary, you can book an initial consultation, which takes place over the phone, here.
If you want to book in for a session you can call us 403-452-5450 or you can book in through Jane here. You won't be asked to pay for your session until you come in for your session, we also have 4 packs you can purchase then too if you'd like.